International Federation of Consulting Engineers FIDIC

International Federation of Consulting Engineers FIDIC Geneva Switzerland
Box 311, 1215 Geneva Switzerland
Verantwortliche Person
Enrico Vink

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
FIDIC, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (the acronym stands for the French version of the name) represents globally the consulting engineering industry.

As such, the Federation promotes the business interest of firms supplying technology-based intellectual services for the built and natural environment.

FIDIC activities are carried out by committees, task forces and forums appointed by the Executive Committee and mainly composed of volunteers. The Executive Committee is elected by the General Assembly to carry out the work of the Federation. Members propose to the General Assembly for election each year a President (currently Dr John Boyd), a President-Elect or Vice-President (currently Gregs Thomopulos) and a Treasurer (currently Flemming Pedersen). The Executive Committee is responsible for the Secretariat, managed by a Managing Director (currently Enrico Vink), that carries out the federation's work.
