Apollo Global Management LLC New York

Apollo Global Management LLC New York
9 West 57th Street, 43rd Floor, NY 10019 New York
Verantwortliche Person
Leon Black, John Hannan, Josh Harris, Marc Rowan, Craig Cogut, Arthur Bilger, Antony Ressler

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Apollo Global Management, LLC is an American private equity firm, founded in 1990 by former Drexel Burnham Lambert banker Leon Black. The firm specializes in leveraged buyout transactions and purchases of distressed securities involving corporate restructuring, special situations, and industry consolidations. Apollo is headquartered in New York City, and also has offices in Purchase, New York, Los Angeles, Houston, London, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Singapore, Hong Kong and Mumbai.

-Private equity funds, credit funds, real estate funds, alternative Investment, Leveraged buyouts, Growth capital, Venture capital
