Viber Media S.à r.l.

Viber Media S.à r.l.
Verantwortliche Person
Djamel Agaoua CEO
Vorgänger +

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Viber freely connects users around the world with the people that matter to them most, sending good vibes every day and making great things happen. With more than 606 million people on the platform, Viber gives people all over the world the ability to connect in the way that works best for them, whether it is through individual messaging, video calls or group chats or following brands and celebrities on Public Chats. Viber can be used on iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phones and tablets, Windows Phone, Windows®, Windows 8®, Mac, Linux and Symbian devices over 3G/4G or WiFi connections. Viber is a Rakuten Group company.

Viber was founded by four Israeli and Belarusian partners: Talmon Marco, Igor Magazinnik, Sani Maroli and Ofer Smocha, with Marco as its CEO.
