Nacionalni spomenik Muslibegović Kuća Mostar

Nacionalni spomenik Muslibegović Kuća Mostar
Osman Dikića 41
, 8800 Mostar
Verantwortliche Person
Muslibegović Tadžudin, direktor

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Muslibegović descend from the noble line of Herzegovina, where their family members were governors for many centuries. That noble family established themselves in the late 17th century in Mostar, after the fall of Herceg-Novi up to Venetians in 1687th. At that time, Muslibegovic property was all over Herzegovina (southern part of today's Bosnia and Herzegovina) and still have a considerable impact on social and political affairs in the region. The traditional bey house owns 10 luxurious rooms and suits, all decorated to emphasize the Traditional touch of bey’s tradition. Alongside the traditionally decorated rooms, the private bathrooms are completely modern. The Muslibegovic House is as small, intimate, family run establishment. You will feel at home in our comfortable antique filled rooms, dining area and Bosnian garden.
