Klein Unternehmen
CWPR Services doo Beograd-Vračar
Masarikova 5, 11000 Beograd
Verantwortliche Person
Maja Turković

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
CWP was established in 2007 and initially focused on the development of wind farms in Romania and Poland. Following our commitment to seek out opportunities in the most attractive emerging markets for renewable energy, we have since expanded into other European countries as well as Australia. We are a truly international company: Registered in the United States of America, we operate out of local offices in all the countries where we have projects. Our investors are institutions and high net worth individuals in the US and Europe.

Our business model is conceptually straightforward: Identify countries where a combination of early market entry, an evolving regulatory environment and our experience give us a competitive edge. Establish a local presence, find the most attractive sites, and work with local partners and communities to develop projects to the highest standards.
