SEWEA Srpsko udruženje za energiju vetra - brisan iz registra

SEWEA Srpsko udruženje za energiju vetra - brisan iz registra
Resavska 23, 11000 Beograd
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Vladan Rankov
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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
The Serbian Wind Energy Association (SEWEA) was founded in October 2010 to promote the use of wind power in Serbia. The founding members of SEWEA are Energowind, Energogreen / MK Fintel Wind, Vetropark Indjija / Kelag, and Continental Wind Partners.Together the founders represent a pipeline of wind projects under development with a total investment value in Serbia of over €1.5 billion, and a potential installed capacity of over 1000 megawatts, enough to power more than 250,000 homes. Each member is a serious investor and we intend to build our wind farms if adequate legislation governing the renewable energy support regime is put in place.
