Seedev d.o.o. Beograd

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
SEEDEV is a consultancy company based in Belgrade and Zagreb, operating in Southeast Europe and active in the following fields:

Rural and local development
Agriculture policy
Agribusiness development
Cross-border cooperation
European Integration

Seedev has established a team of experts based in various Western Balkans countries, interested in researching on cross-border cooperation and in developing cross-border project ideas in line with Seedev’s field of activities (local and rural development, agriculture, geographic indications, etc.).

Agriculture policy
SEEDEV works in partnership with those organisations and individuals who are interested in strengthening the role of the civil society in SEE, particularly in the sectors of rural and local development and environment protection. It embraces a method of systematic research into strategies to involve/support civil society organisations in the projects implemented by SEEDEV.

Agribusiness development
SEEDEV support agri-businesses across the whole southwest Europe providing direct consultancy services to agri-businesses or and through projects that aim at enhancing business environment by promoting business services and technology transfer, improving knowledge, stakeholder organisation and market linkages. SEEDEV is also involved in agro-food market surveys.

European Integration
SEEDEV is developing specific tools and expertise to prepare stakeholders in the fields covered by the IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession) programmes, particularly rural development and cross-border cooperation. This entails support to national and local authorities project identification and project implementation according to EU/IPA procedures and principles, and the reparation and delivery of trainings based on Project Cycle Management approaches. In addition, the European integration is a transversal dimension of all activities carried by SEEDEV.