Goša Fom Smederevska Palanka

Groß Unternehmen
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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
GOŠA FOM a.d. (GOŠA Machinery and Equipment Joint Stock Company) was originally AD JASENICA founded in 1923 by French and Serbian capital shares. In 1930 they initiated the shop for manufacture of iron bridge and other structures which was also the beginning of the later:

- Mostovna (Bridge manufacturing plant) since 1963.y.,

- OMK (Equipment and metal structures company) since 1980.y.,

- EMIR (Energetical, metallurgical and mining equipment company) since 1988.y.,

- GOŠA - FOM Lmtd. since 2006.y., and

- after privatization during 2005.y. GOŠA FOM a.d. from January 04. 2006.y.

Being persistent in its development, since its beginning program for metal structures, bridges and building objects, GOŠA FOM a.d. has developed a number of new programs:

- in 1932- hoists and cranes
- in 1938 - tank manufacturing program
- in 1954 - hydro-mechanical equipment
- in 1976 - coke and metallurgical equipment
- in 1980 - mining equipment
- in 1981 - processing equipment
- in 1983 - gearboxes
- in 1987 - boat equipment
- in 1992 - oil exploitation equipment
- in 1996- reparation of turbine and generator rotors

In the course of its long history GOŠA FOM a.d. had business relationships with many well-known world companies such as:

Mannesman Demag - Germany; Orenstein & Koppel - Germany; Eickhoff- Germany; Wagner Birou - Austria; MAN Takraf - Germany; Skoda - Czech Republic; TBX - Belgium; F.L.Smidth - Germany; Schalke - Germany; Schade - Germany; Hemscheidt - Germany; Caterpillar overseas - Switzerland; Mannesmann Ratingen - Germany; Danieli - Italy ...