North Engineering d.o.o. Subotica

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
NORTH Engineering Ltd. is a civil engineering company which offers design, engineering, research and development and data processing services in the field of construction. It is established on the 22nd of May 1990 as a private company.

Basic field of work of our company is making planning documentation for building all types of structures, including high-rise buildings, professional supervision on conducting our plans, managing professional business of investors (consulting, engineering and supervision).

Our employees and cooperatives have designed and conducted planning and construction of capital industrial structures, housing structures (buildings), agricultural and water-processing structures, buildings for food production and process, public structures, mega- and supermarkets etc.

Beside our rich expirience and expertise, designing process is enhanced by using computer systems and other digital equipment (printers, plotters, copiers, scanners etc.) supported by wide range of software