Energy saving group d.o.o Beograd

Micro Unternehmen
Vladimira Nešića 22-24, 11000 Beograd
Verantwortliche Person
Slobodan Ružić, direktor

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Energy Efficiency, Engineering, and Consulting Company 'Energy Saving Group', ltd. was established on 1 June 2004, aiming to become:

A Consulting Company of regional importance, capable of providing ultimate services in energy sector restructuring, forming of free energy market, defining of energetics development strategy, planning of energy systems operations and their development, defining of tariff systems & pricing policy of energy carriers, as well as providing services in preparation of feasibility studies and bidding documentation for energy facilities construction.

A leading private organisation in Serbia, which develops and realises projects in the field of energy efficiency, i.e. a company that makes a profit, reducing, at the same time, costs of its clients.

A flexible engineering-design office able to provide various engineering and design services in installation of automatic control system in industrial processes, as well as in reconstruction and construction of complex energy facilities.

ESG wants to make a contribution to regional connecting, formation and putting into function of new institutions, creation of economically rational and socially acceptable tariffs, as well as to extended utilisation of renewable energy sources. ESG also wants, to some extent, to contribute to improving guaranties and service quality for the consumers, and to sustainable development of the region. ESG can accomplish all this mentioned via its consulting activities in strategic fields of restructuring, market design and in energetics development planning.

By the means of energy efficiency projects realisation, ESG aspires to affect and enhance people’s awareness of how important energy efficiency saving measures are, as well as to expand knowledge on possibilities in the field mentioned. Similarly, ESG wants to contribute to more rational energy consumption in Serbia and other countries of the region, and to decrease demand for new energy capacities. This is the best way of joining global efforts in dealing with environmental issues.

Via realisation of concrete design and engineering tasks, ESG wants to contribute to economic recovery of industrial consumers in Serbia, their efficiency & market competitiveness improvement, and, in general, to contribute to overall technology progress of Serbia and the region.
